Brand Marketing Audit & Strategy Session

Personal Branding Alchemist

Finding Your Genius & $$$ in your brand

Story Brand Director

How to leverage brand story and automate sales process through video


Real man & Real big heart wanting to see you win over and over again.

In this session we will be breaking down your Business Brand Foundation through the "Brand Leadership X-Factor" & create a business strategy to grow to 7-figures.


Brand Message, Culture & Story

Explore Brand Foundation Messages aka 4-W's. Look at framework of the stories you're using to attract your ideal clients & team members.


Brand Marketing & Building Community

Develop strategy for brand marketing to create more consistent leads.


Branded Service & Business Model

Open additional revenue streams, and more consistent streams while scaling back time.

"Let's go make a mark in the world"

My Mentors, Coaches, & Most Importantly Friends

© 2020 Luca